
Meditation Inspiration - Podcast

 2 February 2024 

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on Katie Austin’s "Meditation Inspiration" podcast.

We talked about several topics including:

✨ Being introduced to mindfulness in the workplace.

✨ Cultivating mental presence with your children.

✨ Mindfully navigating stress at work and creating boundaries.

✨ Facing the fear of public speaking.

✨ Helpful determination versus unhelpful striving.

✨ Finding the time to meditate as a working parent.

✨ The power of becoming aware of our thoughts.

Feel free to have a listen here - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3CBugY2HEN76vu9G6kxQ95...

or here - https://podcasts.apple.com/.../14-kirsty.../id1686796575...

or directly on Katie’s website here - Podcast | Katie Austin Yoga (katieaustinmindfulness.co.uk)
