
100% of the participants who responded to the course evaluation said they would be ‘very likely’ to recommend the course to others.

Here are some of their testimonials:

“I would highly recommend the 8 week MBSR course with Kirsty. It’s without doubt worth the investment of your time. I gained new levels of self-awareness and learnt how to use mindfulness to address stress, difficult thoughts and experiences as well as create a more positive dialogue with myself, taming that inner self critic.

The course covers both theory and mindfulness practise, both of which I found essential for better understanding the habits and thinking that were not serving me and for developing new habits and kinder ways of being. I’ve left the course feeling calmer and better armed to manage stress in the future.

Kirsty is a wonderful teacher – aside from knowing her stuff it’s her genuine and down-to-earth nature and approach that made the experience so positive.”

— Katie Pope, past participant

“I would highly recommend the mindfulness course for stress reduction with Kirsty. I get overwhelmed with stress at times and needed a new approach to managing this. 8 weeks seemed like a huge commitment but, having finished the course, I wish it had been longer. Kirsty is a wonderful teacher, a very down to earth approach in sharing her knowledge and expertise. The course has made such a difference to how I manage my stress levels and also to my daily activities, making sure I have some time for me.”

— Amy Langshaw, past participant

“I had the wonderful pleasure of completing the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course with Kirsty. What an experience it has been. Life changing... I cannot recommend Kirsty enough. She is a wonderful caring, thoughtful and just lovely human being and exactly who this course should be taught by.”

— Louise Mitchell, past participant

“I can honestly say that I feel calmer and happier than I have done in a long time. I know that this is partly because I have found a much better work life balance recently, but the MBSR course has allowed me to recognise and validate the changes in my life as positive. I’ve been able to appreciate the joy in life more than I have done for a long time as well. I feel more confident about following decisions and paths that support my happiness and well-being, and about tackling any ongoing stresses that I have.”

— Health Professional, past participant

“Kirsty takes a great deal of her time to get to know you and understand where you are before starting the course, so I already felt I knew her before the course began. She was an excellent teacher with her warm friendly smile, her knowledge and she was always ready to listen. Her delivery was spot on giving you options to take care of yourself in all situations and take time if you needed it. Her timings were perfect, knowing when to let us talk more or move on [...] I highly recommend the MBSR course.”

— Wendy Corcoran, past participant

“This is an amazing course delivered by a highly competent trainer. I would definitely recommend it.”

— Ruth Vaughan, past participant

“Kirsty was absolutely fantastic at delivering this course […]. She has a wealth of knowledge she could share with the group, while keeping it personal and relevant. Kirsty put everyone at ease, and it was interesting hear her talk about her own experiences. She provided us with a wide range of strategies and practices that we could include in everyday life. I particularly found it interesting learning about how our body and mind react to different scenarios and how we can use mindfulness to support ourselves during stressful situations. I have been able to take strategies and apply then into my personal and professional life. Thank you, Kirsty - and please release your own podcast!”

— Zoe Neophitou, past participant

“Kirsty delivers in such a calm, inclusive way valuing everyone's comments. I love the way she brings a poem each week which is so relevant and thoughtful to the day’s exercises, really opens your mind up and puts a positive spin on the day. There is no pressure for you to do all the exercises but choices. She has opened my eyes to doing body scans which has helped with relaxing before bed helping my sleep pattern and helping to clear many thoughts whirring around my head. I have also benefited from changing the way I react to stressful situations, taking a step back before I react. She has made us all think more positively and to be a kinder person to ourselves and others around us.”

— Anon, past participant

“I think the delivery was excellent, the perfect time, pace of learning and the actual live guided meditations too. There's a handful of factors that I attribute to the positive benefits, with the course playing a part. I’d recommend people both the course and to do the course with Kirsty”

— Javed Bobat, past participant

“There’s so much of the course I enjoyed, loads of little nuggets I’ll take with me e.g. ‘thoughts are not facts’ and ‘negative comments stick like velcro’ […] I’ve really noticed a difference in my interactions with colleagues (and a personal interaction) which I may have seen as potential conflict before but have all been really positive. But more importantly - I’ve trusted my instincts in the right thing to do and not worried so much.”

- Anon, past participant