
My Year of Curiosity

 3 January 2024 

2024 is My Year of Curiosity!

I’ve never heard of the concept of having a ‘word of the year’ before but this year I’ve come across it in a few places, including on LinkedIn and in Psychologies magazine.

My understanding of it is that instead of new year resolutions (which I don’t set – see my 2023 post) a word of the year allows you to make choices that are aligned with your values, ambitions, and passion. You are then likely to be clearer about what to commit to, to live the life you want.

Inspired by the Psychologies magazine article, I spent some time yesterday reflecting on 2023 and on how I felt as I look ahead. I reflected specifically on events I have coming up and how I feel about them, including what I want more or less of.

With a focus on the words written I whittled my word of the year down to ‘curiosity’.

With curiosity I will gently explore, learn, and understand the experiences and opportunities I have.

This is perfectly aligned with who I am for several reasons including:

So, in 2024, I will bring in some gentle curiosity and check-in and ask myself “what’s here in this experience?” and “what am I learning from it?” If I’m making a decision I will ask “will this give me an opportunity to explore something new?” and “will I learn something from it?”.

This will help me to live the life I want this year.