Let’s talk toilet breaks!

Not exactly the toilet bit 🙈 but more the washing our hands after bit.

  • Do you notice washing your hands?

  • Do you wash them on autopilot?

  • Why should you even notice that moment?

Washing my hands is an activity I do that I practice bringing mindfulness to.

  • I notice the water against my skin.

  • I notice my hands washing each other.

  • I notice my body and breath as I stand.

Why does this matter? 🤔

Because I regularly gain so much insight from this small daily activity 💡

For one, I notice when there's tension.

This is often because I'm rough with myself, my hands fiercely washing each other. In the moment that I notice this I naturally soften my grip, and the activity becomes one of nurturing myself, taking care.

Tension may also show up in my shoulders, or in the speed at which I'm breathing. When I notice this my shoulders often naturally drop a little, and my breathing slows.

I notice when I'm rushing, racing to get onto the next thing. I then consciously choose to slow down, to just notice this moment. Through mindfulness I've noticed so many moments of my life that I'd have missed otherwise.

All of this takes only 20 to 30 seconds of my time and yet when I return to my desk to work, or to whatever it is I am doing, I feel calmer, more present and more focussed.

Give it a go and see what you notice.

Don't forget, my next mindfulness course starts in Guiseley on Friday 7th June, running every Friday for 8 weeks from 1pm to 3pm. Contact me by May 30th if you're interested in taking part.


World Meditation Day