Surfing the urge
Kirsty Morgan Kirsty Morgan

Surfing the urge

In this short video I demonstrate one of the ways in which mindfulness has helped me to stop automatically rushing through life, trying to get to the end of the things that need doing. In it I explain how I practice surfing the urge and as a result feel happier and calmer. This technique supports my mental health and boosts my wellbeing.

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Mindfulness in daily life
Kirsty Morgan Kirsty Morgan

Mindfulness in daily life

In this short video I share how mindfulness has helps me to be more present for my life through noticing the sounds around me.

This made a huge difference 10 years ago when I started practising mindfulness because it helped me to listen to my children when I picked them up from school, instead of being lost in work thoughts.

It helps me now every day to be more present for my life as it unfolds and to actually hear and see the world around me and the people in it

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Reflections from my silent (not silent) retreat
Kirsty Morgan Kirsty Morgan

Reflections from my silent (not silent) retreat

I’ve just returned from a 4 day silent retreat with the Mindfulness Network and their incredible teachers Rebecca Crane and Jaya Rudgard. It’s the second time I’ve been on a silent retreat and the experience was different, despite it being at the same venue with the same teachers, but it was just as powerful!

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Our minds are made to think
Kirsty Morgan Kirsty Morgan

Our minds are made to think

“Our minds are made to think”

This is a sentence I often say when teaching mindfulness because it’s a common misconception that with mindfulness and meditation we’re meant to empty our minds of thought, which is of course impossible because … our minds are made to think!

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New year, new course - starting February 2023
Kirsty Morgan Kirsty Morgan

New year, new course - starting February 2023

The start of a new year can feel so exciting! For me it feels like I’m entering a new chapter with refreshed hope of what a whole new year can bring.

Many people set new year’s resolutions to try to improve some aspect of themselves and their life. This can of course be helpful and lead to positive changes, but the reality is that most people lose motivation and don’t achieve the resolutions they’ve set. It makes me wonder how that must feel and whether people are understanding and kind to themselves at that time, or more judgmental and critical. I suspect the latter.

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